Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Creepies and the Crawlies

This week I saw some new itsy bitsy creatures that go up the water spout...

A crazy caterpillar....

Its spikes are supposedly poisonous!

It was about 5 inches long and very healthy

A small scorpion in a friend's room at an eco-lodge at the Lake

A nest of daddy long leg spiders!

James after being bitten 25+ times by a swarm of ants!


Good night

sleep tight

don't let the bed bugs bite!


Linda Simon said...

Ooh, they are creepy! I hope my new student from Korea who is terrified of bugs never sees any of them! Since I've been reading your blog since last spring, I figured I should share mine with you too-- :-)


P.S. I promise to email you my Germany pictures soon!

kjl said...

A FIVE inch caterpillar!??? That is insane!!

Lynda said...

I wish you would add a postscript about the creepies that bit James and show the picture! I'd like to show my students so they will understand why I tell them to look before sitting on the ground. We are studying insects right now, and sadly, a little boy picked up a wasp and got stung!

Bets said...

This is making me itch just looking at the pictures. I thought the wasps I've been finding in my condo were bad.

That is the biggest caterpillar I've ever seen! Too bad you can't send it home for the 2nd graders to study in their insect unit.

MoyBien said...

i saw that bad boy (caterpillar) last week, too. i think it stung a MS teacher


Anonymous said...

Explaining the ant bites... I was lying out sunbathing on some rocks at the lake last weekend, and I yanked out some grass that was tickling me, thus disturbing an angry ant colony. Suddenly I felt lots of bites and looked down to see hundreds of little ants swarming around my entire left side. I jumped up and brushed them off as fast as I could (and then jumped into the water), but they still managed to get me a number of times. I had an allergic reaction, with three glands swelling up on me, and intense itchiness for about three days. Lesson learned: Guatemalan ants don't like foreigners.