Friday, May 23, 2008

Bee Honey!

I don't know about you, but I prefer honey from bees, as opposed to other honey-producing creatures. And so do Guatemalans, as you can see from this clearly labeled bottle (miel de abeja = honey from bee, or bee honey).

Our Spanish teacher, Patricia, first told us about this funny redundancy. She always provides interesting insight to particular words and phrases Guatemalans use as she grew up in Spain and speaks Español de España (another redundancy?).


Linden said...

Same thing here: All honey here is called "Bienen Honig". Basically "bees honey," not possessive, but plural, as I understand it. I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds this humorous!

kjl said...

Very looks like it comes in a syrup bottle too! :)

Adam said...

You're not into the clove honey? I drink that stuff down like coca-cola.

I'd even argue that after a good jog there's nothing like a nice, warm cup of clove honey to quench one's thirst.