Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bringing It Back in Black

Last week4 talented teachers and I produced an exceptional (if I do say so myself) Teacher Talent Show (TTS) performance extraordinaire!

Our group was self-titled Bringing It Back in Black, and we basically did a dance medley to some of our favorite crowd-pleasing songs. It was nothing short of spectacular. The outfits. The choreography. The Talent.

Each teacher in the group "starred" in a song, and we all rounded it out with the N'Sync finale of Bye Bye Bye. In order of appearance, our group awed the audience with the following songs:

I Will Survive : Kari "Yes, this is my high school prom dress" Johnson

Thriller: Beth "Zombie Claws" Mildren

Mickey: Stephanie "So fine you blow my mind" Willocks

Ain't Goin' Down: Kelly "Where's that Gallo hat?" Seagraves

U Can't Touch This: Audrey "Break It Down" Paar

Bye Bye Bye: All Talented "N'Pink" Group Members

We must've stolen the show, because our act also made the school's homepage! Por supuesto.


Kelly said...

Beth (or should I say MJ)!! HOW FUN!! I am so lucky to be a part of this blog!! The whole thing was so much fun!! But still... no hat :(

Mandi said...

Oh my gosh, that is awesome!!! You have no idea how much I wish you had a video of that!

Charlie Blockhead said...

YOU ARE A BEST OF BLOG FINALIST!!! Congrats on making it to the final round and remember to tell everyone you know to head on over to to vote for your site. Oh and don't forget to enter our Exclusive Lijit Contest for another chance to win some fantastic prizes. Winners will be announced June 2nd so gather up your faithful followers and tell them you want to be one of this year's Best Of Blogs!

Bill Beck
Project Mgr.