Sunday, September 23, 2007


As James and I were driving home from the gym, we told each other about the weirdest thing we've seen in the back of a pickup truck in la capirucha (slang for "the capital"). [Aside from an entire truckload of people standing up and being transported from Point A to Point B, of course...]

Beth's strangest sighting: a truck carrying a perfectly stacked pyramid of pineapples (yes, that was a nice alliteration. I know ;). Not strapped in or anything, but just in there tight and as high as the roof of the truck! That and a steady pair of hands is all you need.

James' strangest sighting: a humongo pig dangling by its dead hooves from a cage-like apparatus in the bed of the truck.

So yeah, that's where we live.

Question for the readers: What is the strangest thing that you have seen while driving lately?


Deanna said...

Okay, I didn't actually see this, a friend of mine did. She was driving on the highway in KC, she looked over and beside her was a large four door vehicle with four passengers and all four windows of the vehicle rolled down. All four passengers had their arms out their windows holding down an old, dirty mattress. No rope or anything else holding down the mattress, just the four passengers. Now doesn't that make you miss the Midwest?

Adam said...

I saw a man in his 50's riding his Harley with his a ~3yr old grandchild sitting in his lap. It made me livid.

Bets said...

Mitzi and I were running errands the other day. I saw, via my rear view mirror, a woman using tweezers to pluck hairs from her chin ... whilst she was driving. Apparently she thought that she was driving in an invisible car and that was perfectly acceptable. Ha!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Recently: Mostly, I just stare at people in there personal vehicles, longing for my own, from the bus window.

Past (and possibly in the near future): Tied to the tops of vehicles--live goats and chickens, basket of half dead fish...a human corpse going home to be buried