Thursday, September 6, 2007

Marimba Players video

The marimba is the national instrument of Guatemala, and we were able to see some performers during our first trip to Antigua. Here's a video clip of them in action. (Unfortunately, this was shot on our digital camera and not our actual camcorder, so the quality is not the best.)


Lynda said...

How very Harry Potterish to suddenly see the men in the photograph come to life. Did anyone else have that same sensation?

Bets said...

Hey Beth!
Do you think David would buy me a couple of those so I could do a Marimba Playing Hawk U class? I'm sure he wouldn't mind paying for them at all! :)

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that I am JUST now finding your blog!!!! I have so much catching up to do. But I must say, the marimba ensemble was one heck of a good introduction! I can't wait to read all about your adventures. (By the way...I'm a little obsessed with reading people's blogs, just ask Erika. So get ready!)

Unknown said...

Ew, give me the bagpipes anyday.
Haha! Really tho, quite entertaining ^^