Thursday, September 20, 2007

El Hónda Cívic

Here it is, folks, our new car!

Like I said earlier, we hadn't planned on buying anything this new, but since it was such a good deal, we didn't want to pass it up. We're pretty excited about it. Now let's just hope the mean streets of Guatemala City will be good to our car.


Linden said...

Ooooh! Purty!! Congrats on getting a great car!

Adam said...

How many subs does it have? What color are the ground lights and license plates marquees? When will you upgrade the spoiler?

There's so much info you've left out of this post...

matt kirkland said...

There's only one real solution here. You must become as mean as the streets themselves. Only when your Civic achieves the highest levels of meanness can you attain true Civility. It's a paradox.

Seriously. Sensei said so.

kjl said...

Ooooooh....ahhhhhhh....very nice, my friends! It puts the Hyundai to shame! :)

Unknown said...

WoW! Congratulations guys :D
Adam, great post. I wish I had thought of that