Friday, August 10, 2007

I'm the First Casualty

Aug. 9
I figured it would happen sooner or later, so I guess right away is best so I can build up my defenses early... But I've already got some kind of stomach bug. Without going into details, let's just say I logged some time in the bathroom. I have no idea how or what I got, but no one else is having any troubles. For those of you who know me, you know I recently figured out I was lactose intolerant ("not that there's anything wrong with mother's lactose intolerant" (Seinfeld...anybody?). Basically, I felt OK, but was weak as a kitten by mid-afternoon (dehydration) and slept for an hour and a half, stayed in for the evening (while everyone else was out mingling and having pizza at a faculty member's place) and read my book/watched TV, and conked out for good by 10:30. Feeling better today, but still fighting it...

So, my Thursday was pretty uneventful and I stayed in most of the day. I did head out around 11 a.m. with Randy to find a pharmacy for some pedialite-like liquid and also to head over to Radio Shack so Randy could buy a headset for Skyping. That was our biggest adventure and life skill developed for the day: crossing four lanes of traffic to get to Radio Shack. It was nice to know we could get across busy Avenida Reforma ala Frogger and not be "Game Over"ed.

I took a cab ride again in the afternoon to meet Beth and two realtors at 3 p.m. The realtors showed us two places. We weren't crazy about either place, unfortunately. Both were a bit pricier than we wanted, had lack-luster views, and some other elements we weren't crazy about. So, Beth being the go-getter she is, contacted other realtors in the area and set up appointments for today (Friday) to see some places we found online. I'm hopeful we'll find a place today. I will keep you all posted.


Lynda said...

Congrats on crossing the street safely. I'm sure it has something to do with your preschool teachin' mamacita's fine parenting.
Next step -- taking a little trip away from the city. Have fun and be just as successful not being "game over ed."

kjl said...

I'm so sorry your tummy is ick already, James! I hope you're all back to normal soon. I'm so excited about the blog--I'm adding a link to mine right now!!

Unknown said...

Hope you are feeling better Jamis!