Friday, August 24, 2007

My First Haircut

Well, I just experienced my first Guatemalan haircut. I was tempted to go to a barber and have him shave me up all local-like--buzzed short on the sides and back, heavily gelled and slicked on top--but decided to go to a "unisex" place next door to the hotel. My personal stylist's name was Carla, and she did a pretty decent job. I'm normally uneasy any time I get a haircut, as I never seem to get a consistent cut (partly that's my fault as I was getting it cut at an academy for $5 and the girls rotated in and out often). I looked up how to say "quarter inch" before going, and I think that helped, as she didn't go crazy and lob off everything.

I attempted some small talk with some small success. Although when she asked me questions about my hair, I couldn't understand everything and simply replied 'I'm sorry, I don't understand' in Spanish. All in all, I can't complain and it only cost $6.53 with tip. Here I am post-corte de pelo, although you really can't see much detail...


Lynda said...

It looks good! Just promise me that you didn't go lock yourself in her bathroom, requiring the door to be removed by the hinges like you did in your VERY first haircut!

The Tilted Tulip said...

Very Stylin'!

I had many a silent haircuts in HK. Its almost a relief when the pressure to say anything clever/interesting is off.

Anonymous said...

James, I can't believe that story your mom(?) wrote, that is hilarious! Removing the doors by the hinges, that is too much!

Unknown said...

Look'n sharp James, but next time ask for the local special called "el side-spike".

Anonymous said...

Thankfully I did not lock myself in this time! And I agree, Erika, that it is somewhat nice not to have to make small talk while getting my haircut. And Josh, I'm thinking the 5th grade haircut is due for a resurrection!