Thursday, August 30, 2007

Ultimate Frisbee

Staff members at the school get together on Wednesdays and Sundays for rousing games of Ultimate Frisbee. I had never played before and was under the impression it was a laid back, slow-paced game for hippies. I guess it can be played that way, but the people here sure don't play like that. It's very fast-paced, much like soccer, with lots of running and sprinting up and down the field. Beth and I played our first game the Sunday before last and thoroughly enjoyed it. I went to the school yesterday afternoon around 3 to play, but once I got there, it looked like the game was rained out. The rain let up a bit, so I decided to stay and run on the track to still get some exercise (Beth took the bus home). Thankfully, more intrepid players showed up, and by 4 we had two teams of six ready to play! The rain came back, and even picked up, so by 4:30 we were drenched and playing in soppy, muddy field. I felt like a kid all over again getting so dirty like that! We played non-stop for more than an hour, and it was a great, fun workout.

Afterwards, we hiked up the hill to a patio bar, conveniently located next to a university, for rounds of Brahva (a cheap, bland, but-refreshing-after-an-hour-of-hard-running beer). By now, the sun was going down and covered up by thick clouds, so it was pretty chilly. Add in that we're all wet and drinking cold beer, and you can guess everyone was fairly cold. By about 6:15 everyone took off except for me and three others who are still staying at the hotel. We waited for our cab, and it was only supposed to be a 15-minute wait, but for whatever reason, the cab didn't arrive for at least 40 minutes. We were all shivering, dying to go to the bathroom, jump in a hot shower, and eat some pizza that was waiting for us (thank you, Beth!). When I finally got back, I took the best shower I've had in YEARS. It felt soooo good to finally be warm and wash off my mud-caked body.

Despite being so uncomfortable at the end, it was a lot of fun and I can't wait to play again Sunday.


kjl said...

With all this activity in the high altitudes, you guys are going to have lungs of steel in no time! :)

Linden said...

"I was under the impression it was a laid back, slow-paced game for hippies."

Ha ha ha ha!!! This made me laugh so hard!!!

Unknown said...

its the only game that see hippies moving faster than the speed of marygihuana. ha ha when i learned to play up in new york mountains, it was a killer acclimation to the altitude!