Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Last night around 10:30 Beth and I felt our very first temblores, or tremors! Kinda scary but also exhilarating. We were both in bed reading and could feel the bed shaking ever so slightly. At first Beth thought it was just me kicking my legs around as usual (RLS...don't make fun!). Since there was no roaring plane overhead (which is frequent) or large truck barreling by, we both knew what it was. It happened just two or three times in a three-minute span. Hopefully that's the most we'll ever feel, but these occurrences are common.

(There will soon be a weekend recap of our trip to Panajachel and Lago Atitlán. Beth wrote it Sunday, but somehow the draft was deleted, so she's rewriting it.)

1 comment:

Linden said...

Wow!! That's freaky!